

Eristalis tenax - Common drone fly

Den kan forveksles med andre større Eristalis-arter, især Gulfodet dyndflue (E. pertinax) og Sydlig dyndflue (E. similis)

Den er udbredt over hele Jorden, bortset fra polarområderne. I Europa migrerer den i moderat antal mod nord i forsommeren

Idet den ofte migrerer, kan imago træffes på mange forskellige biotoper. Særlig i sensommeren og efteråret ses den ofte i stort antal overalt, hvor der er blomster, f.eks. i haver og parker. Æggene lægges f.eks. i grøfter, damme og afløbsbeholdere, gerne med et stort indhold af organiske næringsstoffer. 

is a common, migratory, cosmopolitan species of hover fly. It is the most widely distributed syrphid species in the world

When away from its "home territory", a male drone fly rarely responds to other insects. But when it is on its mating site, the male is very territorial, attacking alien species such as bees, wasps, and butterflies. Being on territorial guard duty is very demanding, so much so that the males take rest periods outside of their territory. 

The larva of E. tenax is a rat-tailed maggot, which is saprophagous. It lives in drainage ditches, pools around manure piles, sewage, and similar places where water is polluted with organic matter. The larvae likely feed on the abundant bacteria living in these places.

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